Tuesday, May 01, 2007

US Might Confront Iran on Nuclear Program

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that Secretary of State Rice may confront Iran on its nuclear program when she goes to Egypt this week for a regional conference on Iraq security. Over the weekend, the Iranians had accepted an invitation to attend the conference on stabilizing Iraq.

According to President Bush: "Should the foreign minister of Iran bump into Condi Rice, Condi won't be rude. She's not a rude person. I'm sure she'll be polite. But she'll also be firm in reminding the representative of the Iranian government that there's a better way forward for the Iranian people than isolation...

"If, in fact, there is a conversation, it'll be one that says, if the Iranian government wants to have a serious conversation with the United States and others, they ought to give up their enrichment program in a verifiable fashion. And we will sit down at the table with them along with our European partners and Russia as well. That's what she'll tell him."

The statement appears to be a toughened stance from previous comments by Secretary of State Rice and State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack who said she would be willing to talk to the Iranians.

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